.Where to discover Ekbab & IktabYou’ll encounter Ekbab & Iktab in The Bone Tissue Matches during A Burglary of Ivory. Iktab is in the middle of animating Ekbab, and also you turn up just in time to observe the streak related to accomplishment..Just how to defeat Ekbab & IktabEkbab & Iktab.VulnerabilitiesResistances-Lightning Resistance (Iktab).Ekbab & Iktab are a pair of employers you’ll need to have to handle at the same time in a very small arena. Ekbab is actually the mastodon, and he charges around the small room frequently.
Iktab is the spellcaster, and also he packs the pit along with area-of-effect streaks. His incantations deal mainly super damage, so a lightning attraction is a good idea here..Your first goal needs to be to obtain Iktab. If you pull down Ekbab first, Iktab tackles a brand-new collection of much more disastrous incantations.
Removing Ekbab initially implies you simply need to deal with the weaker times Iktab directs from beyond the tomb..Kite the mastodon around the room and focus your attacks on Iktab. The main spell you require to stay away from is the trine comets that crash down from above. Watch out for the orange groups on the ground and remain effectively out of all of them when they show up..When Iktab is dead, change your concentration to Ekbab, the mastodon.
He’ll charge around the little space as well as periodically attack down conical tremor attacks. Both are preventable along with a timely dodge roll. As you perform this, lightning balls gradually hover around the combat zone, firing aimlessly in every directions.
Remain on the contrary side of the field to give your own self additional opportunity to prevent their shells..